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Buy coffee beans online. Choose from over 250 types of coffee beans. Use the filter (blue button) to quickly find your flavour.

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illy illy Classico coffee beans 250 grams
illy Classico coffee beans 250 grams
The nuanced taste of CLASSICO from illy's unique, 100% Arabica blend offers delicate notes of caramel, orange blossom and jasmine, with a sweet aftertaste. For lovers of a cup of coffee with a velvety taste.
Lazarro Lazarro Espresso Dark Roast beans 1kg
Lazarro Espresso Dark Roast beans 1kg
Lazarro Espresso Dark Roast coffee beans are a blend of Robusta and Arabica coffee beans. The coffee beans are dark roasted and have a rich and full taste with some character. Lazarro Espresso Dark Roast has a nice crema.
illy illy Intenso coffee beans Tin 250 grams
illy Intenso coffee beans Tin 250 grams
Bold, energetic so an interplay of real flavors, a big step toward cocoa aroma, which combines nicely with the notes of toasted bread and caramel.
Gimoka Gimoka Gran Bar beans 1kg
Gimoka Gran Bar beans 1kg
Excellent for making long black coffees. It also mixes well with milk to make a tasty cappuccino and latte macchiato.
Gimoka Gimoka Gusto Ricco beans 1kg
Gimoka Gusto Ricco beans 1kg
is a combination of Indonesian Arabica (10%) and Brazilian Robusta (90%). The right roast gives the coffee a taste of medium intensity with subtle hints of caramel. Gusto Ricco beans.
illy Illy Decaf coffee beans 250 grams
Illy Decaf coffee beans 250 grams
illy decaffeinated coffee beans; 100% Arabica beans. The unique illy blend retains its character and flavour even without caffeine. With a caffeine content of no more than 0.1%. Suitable for making espresso and cappuccino.
illy illy Brasile Arabica coffee beans 250 grams
illy Brasile Arabica coffee beans 250 grams
This Arabica coffee is grown on the high plains of southeastern Brazil. This coffee bean has an attractive, intense aroma with striking notes of caramel. All this gives it a creamy body.
Lazarro Lazarro Espresso Beans 1kg
Lazarro Espresso Beans 1kg
Lazarro Espresso Beans; an excellent bean that is particularly suitable for making espresso, but can also be drunk as lungo coffee.
Dallmayr  Dallmayr Prodomo beans 500 grams
Dallmayr Prodomo beans 500 grams
Specially refined, with full caffeine content - but freed from many irritants and bitterness. 100% Arabica coffee. 
Lavazza Lavazza Rossa Qualità Espresso beans 500 g
Lavazza Rossa Qualità Espresso beans 500 g
Lavazza Qualità Rossa Espresso coffee beans; A blend with a sweet aroma and full flavor with hints of chocolate and dried fruit. After the roast your coffee has a golden cream and a warm color. Composed of Arabica and Robusta coffee beans.
Lazarro Lazarro Crema Schümli beans 1kg
Lazarro Crema Schümli beans 1kg
Crema Schümli beans; a harmonious mild enjoyment, free from acidity and bitterness. Recommended for the preparation of coffee specialities, such as cappuccino. - Harmonious enjoyment - fine acidity - roasted Suitable for fully automatic coffee machines. 
Gimoka Gimoka Gran Festa beans 1kg
Gimoka Gran Festa beans 1kg
The Gran Festa Oro beans are medium roasted and develop medium strength during preparation. The combination of spiciness and a harmonious fruity note ensures a successful taste experience.
Jacobs koffie Jacobs Krönung beans 500 grams
Jacobs koffie
Jacobs Krönung beans 500 grams
This blend of Arabica and Robusta. The secret of this coffee is the aroma roasting by Jacobs. It gives this coffee the "pampering" aroma. 
Gimoka Gimoka Aroma Classico beans 1kg
Gimoka Aroma Classico beans 1kg
The taste is very intense, strong and spicy. The sweet aftertaste of chocolate notes is exquisite. It is perfect for a typical Italian espresso, cappuccino or latte macchiato.
illy illy Ethiopia Arabica coffee beans 250 grams
illy Ethiopia Arabica coffee beans 250 grams
These beans come from the Sidamo region, which is known as the area where the best coffees come from. We feel a pleasant and mild acidity with a combination of a floral aroma .
Lazarro Lazarro Barista Caffe Crema beans 1kg
Lazarro Barista Caffe Crema beans 1kg
Lazarro Barista Caffe Crema beans; gives a very nice crema layer and a full flavour. Very suitable as a Cappuccino. Delicious for at home or at work. Made for the Barista's!
illy illy Colombia Arabica coffee beans
illy Colombia Arabica coffee beans
This refined Arabica coffee offers a smooth balance between sweetness, bitterness and acidity. The rich aroma contains surprising notes of caramel and nuts and delicate hints of chocolate and toasted bread.
Lazarro Lazarro Caffè Crema beans 1kg
Lazarro Caffè Crema beans 1kg
The wonderful balance of Arabica and Robusta coffee beans makes this Lazarro Caffé Crema a delicious coffee. The light notes of chocolate and herbs with a mild aftertaste are a pure pleasure. 
Jacobs koffie Jacobs Krönung Kraftig beans 500g
Jacobs koffie
Jacobs Krönung Kraftig beans 500g
Lovers of particularly full-bodied and intense coffee. The delicious crema and intensity characterise this coffee.
illy illy India coffee beans 250 g
illy India coffee beans 250 g
Sein voller Geschmack und sein intensives Aroma zeichnen sich durch würzige Nuancen von schwarzem Pfeffer und extra dunkler Schokolade aus.
illy illy Guatemala Arabica beans 250 grams
illy Guatemala Arabica beans 250 grams
The coffee grown in the mountains of Guatemala has a complex aroma with striking notes of caramel chocolate, and honey. All these notes are enhanced by the special roasting profile. 
Dallmayr  Dallmayr Decaffeinated beans 500 grams
Dallmayr Decaffeinated beans 500 grams
Decaffeinated coffee beans: consist of Arabica coffee beans. This makes the coffee milder and also more stomach-friendly.
illy illy Nicaragua beans 250 gram
illy Nicaragua beans 250 gram
illy coffee beans from Nicaragua have undergone a medium roast and are distinguished by their rich, nutty flavor profile. These medium roasted beans are ideal for preparing a smooth espresso or a velvety lungo.
Idee Idee Crema beans 750 g
Idee Crema beans 750 g
Idee Kaffee Caffe Crema coffee beans; 100% arabica beans. The finest crema and harmonious taste. Ideal for preparation in fully automatic coffee machines.
Buy coffee beans online. Choose from over 250 types of coffee beans. Use the filter (blue button) to quickly find your flavour.

Koffiezone offers you more than 240 kinds of coffee beans from dozens of renowned coffee brands from around the world.

All types of coffee beans of which have various labels. This in packages of 500 grams, kilograms and 2.5 kilograms. Always low priced and also great offers in coffee beans. We also offer single origin beans, 100% Arabica beans and even 100% Robusta beans for the lover of really strong coffee. Below are several questions about coffee beans that you would like answered.

What are the best coffee beans?

The best coffee beans are a matter of personal preference because taste is subjective. However, there are some popular coffee beans that are often praised, such as Arabica beans, especially those from well-known coffee regions such as Colombia, Brazil, Ethiopia and Costa Rica. In addition, beans with high-quality processing and roasting processes are often appreciated. It is important to try different beans to discover which is your favorite.

Which coffee beans are best for coffee machines?

Arabica coffee beans are generally recommended for coffee machines. These beans have a refined taste and contain less caffeine than Robusta beans. Choose good quality beans that are freshly roasted and properly packaged. Alternative is a blend of coffee beans of at least 85% Arabica and 15% other beans such as Robusta. Grinding the beans just before brewing the coffee ensures the best flavor. Experiment with different beans and roast grades to find the flavor you like best.

Where are coffee beans cheapest?

Coffee beans can vary in price depending on several factors, such as origin, quality and brand. Generally, coffee beans can be bought by the kilo or in bulk at online stores, which is almost always cheaper than buying smaller quantities in supermarkets. It is advisable to compare prices from different sources and keep an eye on offers to find the best deal. Koffiezone offers several very cheap coffee and we are one of the cheapest coffee websites in the Netherlands and Belgium. So for the best price-quality ratio of coffee, buy your coffee from us.

Which coffee beans contain less fat?

In general, coffee beans naturally contain little fat. The fat content in coffee beans is usually less than 1%. However, the specific fat content can vary depending on factors such as the origin of the beans and the roasting process.

If you are looking for coffee beans with an even lower fat content, consider choosing Arabica beans that have undergone a lighter roast. The roasting process can release certain fats in the beans, so beans that are less intensely roasted may potentially contain less fat.

It is important to note that the fat content in coffee beans generally does not have a significant impact on the nutritional value of the final coffee. Most of the fat remains in the coffee grounds and is not transferred to the brewed coffee.

What types of coffee beans are there?

There are several types of coffee beans that are grown and used to make coffee. The two most common types are Arabica and Robusta. Here is some information about each of these types:

1. Arabica: Arabica coffee beans are considered the highest quality and have a complex and sophisticated flavor. They often have a sweeter and fruitier taste and contain less caffeine than Robusta beans. Arabica beans are often grown at higher elevations and in different coffee regions around the world, such as Colombia, Brazil, Ethiopia and Costa Rica.

2. Robusta: Robusta coffee beans have a stronger and more bitter flavor profile compared to Arabica beans. They contain more caffeine and often have a nutty and earthy flavor. Robusta beans are generally cheaper and are often used in blends or for making espresso. They grow in lower elevations and are mainly found in countries such as Vietnam, Brazil, Indonesia and India.

Besides Arabica and Robusta, there are other lesser-known types of coffee beans, such as Liberica and Excelsa, which are grown mainly in specific regions and have a small share in global coffee production.

What do you need to know about coffee beans?

There are several important aspects you should know about coffee beans. Here are some essential points:

1. Types of coffee beans: The two most common types of coffee beans are Arabica and Robusta. Arabica beans generally have better quality and more complex flavor, while Robusta beans are stronger and more bitter.

2. Origin: Coffee beans are grown in different countries and regions around the world. Each region of origin has its own unique flavor characteristics and features. Popular coffee producing countries include Colombia, Brazil, Ethiopia, Vietnam and Costa Rica.

3. Roasting: The roasting process of coffee beans affects flavor. Lighter roasting preserves the original flavor characteristics of the beans, while darker roasting creates a more intense flavor with often more bitterness.

4. Freshness: Fresh coffee beans generally produce the best flavor. It is advisable to buy beans that have been roasted as recently as possible and consume them within a few weeks of roasting.

5. Storage: Coffee beans should be stored in a cool, dry and dark place, preferably in an airtight container. Exposure to air, moisture, heat and light can adversely affect the taste of the beans.

6. Grinding: Grinding coffee beans just before brewing coffee ensures the freshest flavor. The proper grind depends on the brewing method you use, such as coarser grind for a French press and finer grind for espresso.

7. Taste profile: Different coffee beans and their areas of origin offer various flavor profiles, ranging from fruity and floral to chocolaty and nutty. It is interesting to try different beans to discover your personal preference.

Understanding these aspects can help you choose and appreciate coffee beans based on your taste preferences.

What is the difference between regular coffee beans and espresso beans?

The main difference between regular coffee beans and espresso beans lies in the roast and grind. Here are the differences:

1. Roast: Espresso beans are generally roasted darker than regular coffee beans. A darker roast creates a more intense flavor with often more bitterness. Regular coffee beans can range from lighter to medium roast, depending on the desired flavor.

2. Grind: Espresso beans are ground more finely than regular coffee beans. The finer grind is specifically designed for brewing espresso, where water is forced through the coffee at high pressure. Regular coffee beans are often ground more coarsely because they are used for methods such as filter coffee or French press.

It is important to note that any type of coffee bean can be used to make espresso and vice versa. The distinction between espresso beans and regular coffee beans is based more on the roast and grind, which are tailored to the specific brewing method.

As you read, we are true experts on coffee. It is our daily work.